Welcome to the CFUW North Bay Website


Members of CFUW North Bay at the December 11, 2024, Christmas Social

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)

CFUW North Bay is a member of the Canadian Federation of University Women.  CFUW is a non-partisan, voluntary, self-funded organization with 94 clubs, located in every province across Canada. Since its founding in 1919, CFUW has been working to improve the status of women, and to promote human rights, public education, social justice, and peace.

In February 2024 CFUW released a Power Point presentation by CFUW National VP of Membership meant as an overview of CFUW for new members, but of benefit to all members.  You can access the slides by pressing/clicking on this link:  An Introduction to CFUW.

In January 2024 CFUW national office sent out a press release announcing a new brand and website. 

CFUW North Bay

CFUW North Bay holds monthly meetings, usually on the third Wednesday of the month, where we listen to inspiring guest speakers, socialize, and have fun. For specific details check out our program for 2024-25. Socializing also happens in our interest groups. Click on the Interest Groups tab to find information about our book club, bridge group, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner groups. If you scroll down to the slideshow for 2023-24, you will see photos of activities showing both the serious side of our club and the fun we have throughout the year.

By clicking on the Scholarships tab at the top of the page, you can find information about how our club has accomplished one of its main purposes: raising money for scholarships for women to pursue higher education. By clicking on the Community Service tab, you will read how we service the community in other ways. 

If you click on the Information for Members tab, you will find our registration form and current membership fee. Membership in our club is open to any woman who aspires to the goals of CFUW. You will also find our current program there listing guest speakers and their topics.

As well as this website, we also have a Facebook page featuring many of our activities and photos and managed for us by Kristen Ferguson, our membership chair: www.facebook.com/CFUWNorthBay.


Founded in 1941, our club celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2021. As you explore this website you will find details and photos describing our celebrations of this and other important anniversaries. 

If you are not a member of CFUW North Bay and would like to receive more information about our club, send us an email: cfuwnorthbay@gmail.com.

 Bulletin Board for CFUW Members

Bulletin Board 2024

Please check out our bulletin board for club news by using the orange link below the title.  Also of course please share your news.  This could include the work your committee is doing, plans for fundraisers, information about CFUW National and/or Ontario Council meetings, announcements about webinars advertised in Club Action Newsletters, or anything else that used to be in our newsletters or that you think our members should know. If you have news to share, email Caroline Haist (carlilh43@gmail.com).

A list of this month’s interest group events is now on the website.

CFUW Resolutions 2025

Issues and Advocacy’s first meeting took place on Zoom on February 5 at 6:30. Jan Poudrier, who chairs this committee, has sent out the minutes, also available by clicking the Resolutions for 2025 link. You will also find there President Nat Brunette’s message, a list of the nine resolutions, and a schedule for this year’s resolutions process.

CFUW North Bay will be discussing and voting on the nine resolutions at the March 19 Zoom meeting. 

General Meeting February 19


CFUW North Bay will again meet on Zoom on February 19. Members and guests may join at 6:30 p.m. to socialize.  Our speaker, Dr. Andrew Weeks, will start his talk at 7:00.  


Dr Weeks is the current Chair of the Psychology Program at Nipissing University. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience from the University of Toronto and has since investigated various topics related to the plasticity of the brain. Recent work has considered whether the adolescent brain is uniquely susceptible to lasting changes due to cannabis use and whether mitochondria show early damage in a brain region associated with Alzheimer’s Disease. His extensive University teaching in many areas of psychology, neuroscience, and neuropharmacology, has prepared him to effectively communicate the latest thinking related to dementia, substance use disorders and habitual behaviour more broadly.


His talk will touch on some recent research related to cannabis use in a model system of human adolescence and will conclude with a very briefly discussion of his most recent work related to brain changes associated with a model system of Alzheimer’s Disease.  


Coldest Night of the Year on February 22


Kaarina Tulisalo has again entered CFUW North Bay’s team, the Cool Cats, to participate in the Coldest Night of the Year, which this year takes place on February 22. Last year the team raised over $1000 for the Gathering Place, again the recipient of this year’s fundraiser. Members can participate by joining Kaarina as volunteers or walkers and by donating to the team. 


Check-in time is 4:00 p.m.at Ecole Secondaire Algonquin. Go to the website (https://cnoy.org/location/northbay) to find all the information needed to participate and donate.


CFUW North Bay Display in North Bay Museum 

The CFUW museum committee set up a display at the North Bay Museum, 100 Ferguson Street, on December 3. The display is part of a rotating service club exhibit and will last until March 4, 2025. It is on the second floor of the museum, close to the Main Street, North Bay display. The museum is open Wednesday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. General admission is $4; for seniors and students, $3.

Because the club’s display is part of a service club exhibit, the committee, led by Nat Brunette, chose to feature what the club has done for the community: donating scholarships, promoting education through projects such as The Gift of Reading, supporting the AIDS committee and the Coldest Night of the Year, donating Christmas gifts for residents of Transition House, and providing a team for Heritage Gardeners.

The top left photo is of the committee consisting of the chair, Nat Brunette (also shown putting the final touches on the display), Kaarina Tulisalo (seated), and Caroline Haist, Anna Petruzella, and Pam McKend standing at the back.

Posters and photo collages the committee prepared for the display are available on the website.

The Gift of Reading: A Message from Nat Brunette


Once again, Kristen Ferguson and I are going to be running the Gift of Reading in early March 2025. This year we will be at Silver Birches Elementary School where there are two kindergarten classes and a total of 48 students.


We are looking for donations of new and politically correct books to distribute to the students. If you would like to donate a book (or two), please let either Kristen or me know, and we will be happy to arrange pickup.


You are also welcome to bring your book(s) to any of the CFUW regular meetings or interest groups.

Thank you in advance for your help with this very meaningful and appreciated event.

Christmas Social December 11

Pot Luck Dinner and Christmas Card Workshop

Top photo: Cher Harvey introducing Christine Bretherick, speaker. 

Lower right photo: members’ cards

There are more photos in the 2024-25 slide show below.

Slideshow of Events of 2024-25

The slide show is no longer automatic.  Move through it by using the arrows or swipe if using a phone or tablet.

September Display at the North Bay Public Library

Pam McKend, Kaarina Tulisalo, and Catherine Whiting

September 18 General Meeting

New Member Heather Stemp with Bonnie Roynon and Marg Mullan

Membership Chair Kristen Ferguson (seated on right) collects membership forms and fees.

Speaker Dr. Sandra Reid on The Art of Singing 

September 24 Book Club

September 26: Dinner Group at The Green Papaya

September 27: Sunrise Breakfast at The Home Style Café

October 1: Lunch Bunch at The Urban Café

October 15: General Meeting

Diana Herrington introduces speaker Dennis Chippa.

Topic: The Art of Surviving 

November 13: Creating Christmas Urns at Burrows

November 20: General Meeting

Bonnie Roynon collects gifts for Transition House.

Brenda Robertson collects donations for Montessori school in Tanzania.

Speakers Amanda Savage and Paula Loranger from The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority on The Art of Preserving the Environment

Pam McKend thanks speakers.

December 3: Lunch Bunch at The Urban Café

December 3: Nat Brunette works on CFUW display at North Bay Museum

Museum Committee: Nat Brunette (at front), Kaarina Tulisalo (seated), and Caroline Haist, Anna Petruzella, and Pam McKend (standing)

December 4: Charitable Trust Dinner at Average Joe’s

Guest Speaker Charlene Gravelle, Acting Executive Director of Nipissing Transition House with Bonnie Roynon and Marianne Rogers

Diane Wallace and Diana MacNeil with Speaker

December 11: Pot Luck Dinner and Christmas Card Workshop

Marianne Rogers and Cher Harvey

Marilyn Savage 

Cher Harvey (right) introduces Christine Bretherick, speaker..

CFUW North Bay and guests listen to Senator McCallum.

January 31: Sunrise 

Breakfast at Fifty’s Diner

Slideshow of Events of 2023-24

The slide show is no longer automatic.  Move through it by using the arrows or swipe if using a phone or tablet.

Septemer 2024 North Bay Library Display

September Display at North Bay Public Library: Catherine Whiting and Kaarina Tulisalo

September 22 General Meeting

September 22 General Meeting: Speaker Sergeant Vince Corrente on Protecting Yourself Against Fraud

Club Members
Club Members
Canadore Village Tour

October 18: Tour of The Village at Canadore College

October Speaker

Kristen Ferguson Introduces Tour Leader Micheline Demers

Members on Tour

October 22 Group Photo

October 24: Book Club on Zoom

November 7: Lunch Bunch at The Block

General Meeting November 15: Speaker Haley Massicotte on Her Business Oak & Willow

Kristen Ferguson Thanking Haley

November 22: Making Seasonal Urns at Burrows

December 4: Charitable Trust Dinner at Average Joe’s

Speaker Lindsay Keats: Women in Engineering

December 12 Book Club Lunch at The Block

Brenda Robertson with Photos of Tanzanian Montessori School

President Bonnie Roynon with Donation Box for Transition House

January 12: Heritage Gardeners Meet for Coffee

January 17 Speaker Doug Brisbois on Zoom on The Film Industry in Northern Ontario

February 20 Meeting Speaker Dr Mary Pat Sullivan

Dr.Sullivan’s Website for Providing Support for Rare Dementia

URL: https://raredementiasupport.ca

February 24: CFUW North Bay Raises over $900 for The Gathering Place

Organizer Kaarina Tulisalo (left) with Natalie Legresley 

Gift of Reading March  March 5 at St. Alexander’s Kindergarten Class

Children’s Thank-You Cards

Dr. Diana WaltonScholarship Winner Aurora Buckley with Nat Brunette at Nipissing University Donor Social in March

April 17 Lunch and Learn Speaker Sarah McGowan
Topic: Clean, Green, Beautiful North Bay

Lunch Bunch at Average Joe’s on May 7

AGM May 15 at the Motherhouse

Members of the Executive Prepare Treats

Executive for 2024-25

Heritage Gardeners June 5

June 19: Brewery Tour and Year-end Social

Gateway City Brewery

Tour Leader Sully Sullivan

Guest Speaker Heather Stemp with Hostess Diane Wallace 

Slideshow of 2022-23 Events

This slideshow is still available through this link: Slideshow of 2022-23 Events.